Broadband News

B4rn in historic breaking of the first sod

B4rn looks set to start getting the ducting into the ground for its gigabit fibre to the premises network in Lancashire. The ground breaking ceremony will take place at Jubilee Tower, Quernmore (full address: Hare Appletree Fell, by High Moor Jubilee Tower, LA2 OQP), starting at 1pm, with the official ceremony at 2pm presided over by Lancaster Mayor, affectionately nicknamed 'Woody'. The all important tea and cakes will commence at 3pm.

A map of the core route, which this initial ducting install will be part of is available on the B4rn website and is part of the 51km long primary duct, that will have some 32km of spurs leading off of it. A news update in the middle of March explains more about their digging plans, and highlights that where farms want extra fibres this will be possible, which can then be used for cctv/webcam links to remote buildings.

B4rn is very much a community led project, with local people doing the work to help benefit the local community, rather than an entrepeneur looking to make a return on some capital investment. To this end home owners are encouraged where possible to do things like help install the ducting to their home across their own garden. It is this 'can do' attitude that has lead to reasonable prices for the service, with a £30 a month service, and a £150 connection fee. People carrying out civil work, will get a free install, or if can donate their free install to someone who perhaps cannot afford the install fee, a similar arrangement exists for those who purchased shares that have provided the capital so the project can proceed.

If you can make it to the ceremony we are sure your support will be welcomed, for those curious about Fibre to the Home it is also a chance to ask people all about what is involved.

Update 1pm: For those that cannot attend the event a live video is being webcast from the site, though mobile reception even with a WiBE is intermittent in the area. If you use twitter, events can be followed with the hashtag #b4rn and #dig2agig.


It was great to be part of it. No one was certain how many people would turn up to the top of that windy hill but when over 100 people from 3 generations were stood in the line including the Mayor and our MP it was clear to see that the community is behind this. Quite humbling too. The absence of any City or County Cllrs was duly noted though.

  • Yorkie71
  • over 12 years ago

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